Tuesday, March 19, 2013

picture poem

Sammy Habbaz                                                                                               March 19, 2013
Ms. Bloom                                                                                                      4-V            

I will not sleep through my education
I will just have to wait till my vacation.
Even though it’s boring and I’m wasting my time,
I will not imitate the teacher and pretend that I’m a mime.
Why am I getting punished for this stupid action?
I don’t need to know math for a simple transaction.
Just because she’s a teacher doesn't make her smarter
If I killed her, do you think she would be a martyr?
I’d probably end up in jail and rot in a cell
But before I go, I say farewell.
My lawyer sucks so I got the chair
But then I was freed by a grizzly bear.
I ran and hid inside a hotel
Then I ended up helping the drug cartel.
Before I knew it, I was back in jail
They laughed in my face when I asked for bail.
They were about to pull the lever and send me down below
When I suddenly woke up, shaking from head to toe.
The moral of the story is not to sleep in school
Because you will end up ten feet below, looking like a fool. 

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